Attention please! DM proven to be a high attention channel

By |2023-08-29T15:09:56+00:00August 29th, 2023|

A year-long, in-depth study conducted by JICMAIL has revealed that on average, a direct mail piece holds consumer attention for 108 seconds. Similarly, partially addressed mail commands attention for 64 seconds, while door drops maintain engagement for 46 seconds. This definitively positions mail as a high-attention channel. This is particularly true when amalgamating these new metrics with existing research that underscores mail as the most trusted form of communication, a compelling case emerges for integrating mail into the marketing mix. In addition, JICMAIL has collaborated with PwC to convert these attention-based metrics into an average cost per minute, specifically targeting various audience segments. This enables marketers to make direct, comparative evaluations between mail and alternative media formats. The study reveals [...]

The Renaissance of Direct Mail Gathers Apace

By |2023-07-04T18:12:32+00:00July 4th, 2023|

As you may have read in Decision Marketing recently, I was quoted as saying that direct mail was experiencing something of a renaissance; and that this in part was a result of more responsible targeting due to GDPR (which turned 5 at the back end of last month). You can read the article here: In case there were any doubters, my assertions have been justified by the latest set of JICMAIL results: mail effectiveness is soaring. Direct mail engagement and effectiveness reached their highest level in a year, with the Q1 2023 results showing that despite another challenging quarter for consumers, a greater proportion of mail was engaged with than at any point in the previous year, and a [...]

Direct mail volumes bounce back again!

By |2022-06-10T14:10:17+00:00June 10th, 2022|

The latest JICMAIL figures reveal that direct mail volumes are at their highest level for two years indicating the continued confidence in the channel post pandemic. This is reinforced by the commercial effectiveness of the medium which sees mail continue to drive digital customer engagement, footfall into physical stores and purchases at the same level it did this time last year.  However, with the cost-of-living crisis now truly showing its teeth arguably direct mail is working harder today than it was even during the pandemic. This is a result of the difficulty in driving consumer response in the wake of stressed consumer wallets and squeezed household budgets. The travel and hospitality sectors experienced the largest growth in direct mail usage [...]

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