– Now Supports Mailmark

By |2018-11-06T10:38:45+00:00April 17th, 2018|

The Software Bureau announced the upgrade of it’s free to use online sortation service The improved service now allows printing companies, mailing houses and corporate mailing departments to achieve the largest postage discounts by sorting data to the Mailmark standard which now accounts for close to 2 billion mailed items per year. Mailmark sorts are priced on a pay as you go, nil commitment basis with all other Royal Mail sorts offered free of charge. helps organisations dramatically cut the cost of postage by sorting address data into Royal Mail compliant sequences and batches. Royal Mail incentivise users of direct mail with significant cost savings for complying with Royal Mail sortation requirements. To achieve these savings traditionally requires [...]

Free Online Mailsort Software Arrives 27/03/2017

By |2018-11-06T10:40:18+00:00March 21st, 2017|

Sorting mail to achieve postal discounts is a fundamental activity of every mailing house, print business or corporate print room needing to send bulk mail. It can however be a real rigmarole to get started with sortation. The need to invest in software and expertise for data preparation and artwork manipulation can itself quickly run into the tens of £000’s. This price tag and the complexity for organisations to get into direct mail can be prohibitive. That is why we are introducing What is MyMailing? is a free to use online postal sortation service for all Royal Mail Retail bulk mail discount schemes with the exception of Mailmark (for now). The aim of MyMailing is simple. Make achieving [...]

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