Do I have your undivided attention? Maybe not… but your mail does.

By |2023-12-06T16:48:11+00:00December 6th, 2023|

Nearly two-thirds of people say that direct mail attracts their undivided attention, according to a new report from WARC and Marketreach. Exploring the impact of mail in an attention-scarce world, the study reveals how much attention people are giving their mail across different mail types, the value of this attention, and the role of mail in comparison to other media and within the media mix. The study is based on research by Marketreach and Blue Yonder involving 1,475 pieces of mail. The findings reveal that: 63% of people give their mail their undivided attention The average time spent with direct mail is 108 seconds The average piece of direct mail persuaded 16% of recipients to consider the brand, with 9% [...]

The Renaissance of Direct Mail Gathers Apace

By |2023-07-04T18:12:32+00:00July 4th, 2023|

As you may have read in Decision Marketing recently, I was quoted as saying that direct mail was experiencing something of a renaissance; and that this in part was a result of more responsible targeting due to GDPR (which turned 5 at the back end of last month). You can read the article here: In case there were any doubters, my assertions have been justified by the latest set of JICMAIL results: mail effectiveness is soaring. Direct mail engagement and effectiveness reached their highest level in a year, with the Q1 2023 results showing that despite another challenging quarter for consumers, a greater proportion of mail was engaged with than at any point in the previous year, and a [...]

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