We are Leading with Innovation: Shaping the Future of Data Hygiene

By |2024-05-03T07:45:54+00:00May 3rd, 2024|

The winds of change are blowing a gale around data regulation. We’ve potentially got two key pieces of incoming legislation that will make a difference to how businesses source, store and use their data. The first is the EU AI Act (which although not directly applicable to the UK is likely to form the framework for a UK specific act) , and the second is the UK GDPR - Data Protection, Digital Information (DPDI) Act. Adapting to New Regulations You can find out more about both acts here: https://www.thesoftwarebureau.com/eu-passes-ai-act/ and here: https://www.thesoftwarebureau.com/whats-going-on-everything-you-need-to-know-about-dpdi-in-the-medium-term/. When these new regulations come into force, businesses face the dual challenge of compliance and optimisation. The EU AI Act is set to impose stringent requirements on AI [...]

Is now the time for innovation in the direct mailing industry? 

By |2023-01-23T13:36:44+00:00January 23rd, 2023|

As many of our network will know, in December we carried out a research study investigating the automation opportunity for the sector. The overwhelming finding was that there is significant appetite to innovate particularly in terms of the use of AI. For the sector, it is therefore good news that the UK currently ranks first in Europe, and third in the World, behind the US and China in developing AI technologies. Moreover, the Government is keen for the UK to maintain this position. Investment continues to be high. As part of this in July last year The National Robotarium at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh opened its doors. It is the UK’s hub for robotics and artificial intelligence and has [...]

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